Busy lives

Among the most significant events of the past few weeks are the following:
* The roadside vendors outside our office building were forced to leave one day. Big trucks hauled away the shacks that couldn't be torn down in time.
* Steve coordinated a major rearranging of the office furniture.
* Our colleage who's house we have been sharing, moved out and we are adding our own personality to our new home. Steve has especially enjoyed working a bit in the yard.
* Celebrations and goodbyes. A surprise birthday party for a team mate brightened up last weekend; sad farewells to the team mate who is leaving filled this weekend.
* Tajoua the dog seems to be adjusting to us.
* We visited another savings/credit group in a different low-income neighborhood this week. It is neat to see the impact our work is having.
* We have enjoyed some nice sunsets near our house--overlooking the river (and the only bridge in the region)
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