Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Off for further testing

Since arriving back in West Africa in October, we have been busy getting re-settled and doing lots of exciting things in our work.

However, sometimes life brings unexpected events.

Last night Beth, Katya, and Timothy left West Africa for the United States. I am still in country for the time being, awaiting further news.

Last week, we realized that our 3-month old daughter Katya’s eyes were not developing normally. Although we think she can sense light, she does not appear to see anything else. We saw a doctor who recommended evacuation and further testing. If the problem can be diagnosed and dealt with in the next few weeks, it increases the chances that she might gain her sight. Not doing so could result in “irreversible visual loss or permanent impairment.”

We initiated the process Friday evening and are thankful:
- That the insurance company agreed it to have her go to the US instead of France
- That they were able to get direct flights
- That a doctor has agreed to see Thursday morning shortly after arrival
-For the supernatural peace Beth and I have both felt, peace about the situation as a whole, and about her traveling back alone with the children. 2 Cor 1:3-4

We'll try to keep this site updated, as we are able.


Blogger Elisabeth said...

Thanks for letting us know. We'll be praying that God will give wisdom to the doctors, and for continued peace for you and Beth.

9:55 AM  

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