Option 1 Public Transportation: Bike ride to train station (5 min). Take the train downtown. Transfer to subway. Take subway uptown to the Northeast part of the city. Hope a bus is leaving soon from the subway station or walk. Ride bus if available. Walk to office from bus stop. Total time (50-75 minutes) Good time to read a book.
Option 2 Nice weather, feel like biking: Ride along the field that goes behind our apartment complex, cross the busy street, pass the Blutenberg castle.
Zigzag along a very long field that runs basically East-West. Look at the pretty leaves. Cross a not-so-busy street. 2 blocks through a neighborhood, go under the train tracks (small tunnel).
Sharp left, ride over a stream, glance over at the Nympheburg castle. Ride along the castle wall and through a bird sanctuary. Back onto a main street. (I could go further along the castle wall, but that makes my trip longer.
Watch the cars by as I bike next to them in the bike lane. Cross the very busy street (at the stop light). Right and quick left. Ride along the cannal (that comes from the castle)
On my left there are a few blocks of beautiful houses first--then garden plots. People in Germany rent garden plots to wrok. On the right is the nice tree-lined canal.
Cross another street, pass some more houses, and enter Olympia Park. This was were the Olympics were held in 1972. I ride along the ponds and watch the ducks and swans and look at the enormous tower.
Cross yet another street, some more neighborhood and get to the tunnel area. I don't actually go in the tunnel, but the cars do, so it's nice and peaceful.
Sharp left onto the North-South bike/pedestrian path/park. In the mornings there is not much going on other than people walking their dogs. In the afternoons there usually a lot children playing, and people exercising. I stay on this for about 10 minutes,
turn right and ride past some BMW buildings (there are a lot of them around the city). Go down the ramp and under a really busy street, up the other side and pass Walmart. A few more turns and pull into my office building, park the bike under the parking garage overhang and climb the stairs. There I hold my ID up to the reader and wait for the green light that allows me to open the door. Right, left and down the hall I'm finally at my office. Total time: 55-65 minutes. Not a good time to read a book.